
Who we are

Healthy Sleep Solutions

At Talking sleep we recognise the tremendous toll that lack of sleep takes on our capacity to cope. Our aim is to support poor sleepers in the initial stages of treatment with empathy and compassion. We then encourage our clients and assist them to gain confidence in their ability to manage their sleep habits independently, so that they can lead healthier, happier, and fuller lives.

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Why choose us

Our treatment focus

Our focus is to help individuals, couples and families become experts in managing their sleep.

Talking Sleep’s team of clinical psychologists and counsellors will help you to achieve healthy sleep through delivering evidence-based treatments for sleep problems and by providing strategies, support and encouragement so that clients can develop new sleep habits.


How We Help

When we're sleeping well, we fall asleep easily, stay asleep and wake up feeling rested. We are not thinking about our sleep during the day or as our head hits the pillow. We are confident that we will sleep and that if we don't we'll eventually go back to sleep and we'll manage the next day.


Getting enough sleep each day is one of the most important things you can do for your health and wellbeing. However, it is sometimes unclear what constitutes healthy sleep. How much sleep, the quality of your sleep, and what kind of sleep you are having are all important factors contributing towards healthy sleep.

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Looking at our thoughts and behaviours related to a lack of sleep can significantly contribute to improving our sleep quality. A number of self-directed techniques are available to help improve…

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Insomnia is a common sleep disorder associated with difficulty with getting to sleep or staying asleep. This disturbance in regular sleep often has a negative impact on wellbeing and can impair functioning in everyday life.

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Latest blog

Keep up to date with current sleep science, learn how sleep affects your life, and gain access to resources on a range of topics with Talking Sleep’s short and informative blog posts.


by 01admin

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Trauma and Sleep

Many individuals experience symptoms associated with painful and traumatic circumstances. Anxiety, fear, and hopelessness are a few emotions that can linger post traumatic events. Here at Talking Sleep, we can […]


by 01admin

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Eye Movement and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy

EMDR is an innovative, evidence-based, and nationally recommended clinical treatment available at Talking Sleep.  EMDR effectively treats a range of disorders (e.g., PTSD, depression, anxiety, stress, etc.), and research shows […]

by Talkingsleep

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by Talkingsleep

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Talking Sleep Upcoming Programs

Talking Sleep offers a range of online group programs for adults, young people, and children. Our programs range in group size, program duration, and focus.

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